Three Weeks to Now
Sunday 8th May, at Borders, the Gardens.
Needless to say the experience has been something special for me to meet all you good people who have been kind, generous and a great change from all that shortbread that I have been nibbling while sitting before the flickering screen of an old steam-powered PC. Good-hearted people are less damaging to the waistline and more nutritious for the soul. I love you all.
I met some heart-breaking people too in my travels but I shall not write about them here. They shall be consigned to a place less merry. They shall be Elsewhere.
When a man in Dungun, or in Marang or in Besut says “Aku nök gi Teganung sekejak,” where is he gallivanting to? How could that be when he or she is already in Trengganu? Well, the place they are going to and the direction their SatNavs are set for is Kuala Trengganu. I hope that answers a question I have been asked: why do you give your book the title A Map of Trengganu when all it speaks about is Kuala Trengganu?
That's the simple answer. The more difficult one needs some reading because, in the Introduction to AMoT I did express the hope that Growing Up in Trengganu and this present one will together shape a map of Trengganu. So the two books are complementary.
So my thanks to all of you too numerous to mention, but I must mention two persons I am deeply indebted to: Raja Ahmad of RA Fine Arts who very kindly provided the venue for our Celebration of AMoT on Sunday 1st May and to Fazli Ibrahim who organised the do. It was a wonderful day for me and I hope you enjoyed it too.